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Welcome Back to Academy for Young Writers
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Added Sep 13, 2024
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good morning my name is Principal Brown and welcome to the new school year 2425 yes I'm delighted to say that we're going to have an amazing year this year I'm looking forward to so many different things and I wanted to formally intro use my admin staff to my left we have Keith Bailey 1 of the assistant principals and to my right the lovely hi Miss vas and this is my amazing admin team and we're excited to start the new year and get to know everyone that's a part of our school Community Mr Bailey hi so thank you again um want to say welcome to apiw remember that we are uniform school so highlighting that black and blue is the color for our high school students and maroon and gray is the color for our middle school students you'll see some of the those options behind us not all of them are present but we also want to shout out our new teachers so we have 3 new teachers that we are welcoming to afyw we have Melissa we have Mr pendegast and we have uh we call him Gary so welcome to our team and all right we have hi everyone we just want to shout out all those people that came out for our back to school event thank you so much for coming and supporting our community we want to continue that within the school year so please come out for all the events that will have every month also please make sure to join and get in contact with our PTA we want to make sure that we have an active PTA going forward and you know to start the school year strong and we will have a fun Friday so definitely keep that in the lookout so again welcome to the new school year 2425 we're excited about what's to come I can't wait to just kind of meet each student that's new to our community and return and the students that's returning we're looking forward to an exciting school year and all the amazing things that's going to happen so we going to do this in my amazing team have a great day y'all bye hi how are you doing go for it is this is where yes what's the right side that's it so I was going we're ready when you're ready all right bye I'm doing and
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